Awareness campaigns

The HTV Lab works collaboratively with artists, actors, international and local partners in order to create realistic and high-quality awareness campaigns that also conform to an exacting research design.


In our studies, we vary a campaign’s format and message content to see how different delivery mechanisms and messaging frames shape the efficacy of the campaign. One important variation we explore is whether or not fear-based campaigns that consistently emphasize negative, “danger signs” throughout each story are more or less effective than empowerment-based campaigns that use positive, agency-based plot points. We also look at whether using fact-based messaging or narrative-based messaging is more effective. Below are links to campaigns we designed and deployed as interventions in our Nepal and Hong Kong studies.


 Imagine Hong Kong Without Us: the Story of a Domestic Worker (English Version)

An awareness campaign regarding the rights and regulations about migrant domestic work and workers in Hong Kong.

See below for versions of the “Imagine Hong Kong Without Us” campaign in Bahasa, Cantonese, Nepali, and Tagalog.

Bahasa Version

Cantonese Version

Nepali Version

Tagalog Version

